Factors That Can Influence The Cost Of A Lobster Clasp Replacement

One of the common ways for a necklace to fail is due to an issue with the lobster clasp, which is a standard type of clasp that joins both ends of this piece of jewelry. This is especially true if put the necklace on and take it off daily; over time, the mechanism that is inside of the lobster clasp can simply lose its integrity. This doesn't mean that the necklace is garbage, however. You'll want to visit a local jewelry repair service to have the lobster clasp replaced — a process that involves carefully removing it from the end of the necklace and mounting a new one in its place. Here are some factors that can influence the cost of this repair job. 


One of the biggest factors that influences the cost of having a lobster clasp on a necklace replaced is the material from which the clasp is made. Higher-value materials such as gold and silver will understandably cost more than mid-range materials such as stainless steel or even aluminum, for example. You'll generally want to replace the clasp with one of the same material so that it suits the look of the necklace, but if you're on a budget, you shouldn't hesitate to ask the repair technician about what cost-saving materials might be appropriate.


Lobster clasps are available in a number of different sizes to ensure that the clasp on a necklace is consistent with the size of the links. When you're looking to replace a failed lobster clasp, the size of this mechanism will also play a role in determining the cost. Materials aside, larger clasps are generally a little more money, although it's possible that the jewelry repair service may occasionally have specials in which larger clasps are priced more competitively.

Turnaround Time

When you visit a jewelry repair service to have a lobster clasp on a necklace replaced, you should make sure to inquire about the cost differences that relate to the turnaround time for the work. Generally, you'll pay more for getting the work done while you wait, but this might be the best scenario for you if you're eager to get the jewelry fixed promptly. Repair shops usually offer more affordable prices if you're content with returning the next day or in a couple of days to pick up the completed work. By evaluating each of these cost-influencing factors, you can arrange a repair job that suits your budget once you find a local jewelry repair service like American Jewelers

About Me

Jewelry for the Holidays

I love the holiday season. I enjoy attending Christmas parties, eating holiday cookies, and making my home look festive. During this special time of the year, I also wear a ton of red and green colored clothing. I like to add interest to my outfits by putting on red and green gemstone jewelry. Do you enjoy dressing up during the holiday season? Consider purchasing stunning ruby and emerald jewelry. For instance, think about buying a ruby pendant designed to look like a Christmas tree. On this blog, I hope you will discover the most beautiful types of gemstones to wear during the Christmas holidays.


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