Any time of the year is the right time for getting the cash you need, and sometimes pawning jewelry you no longer want or need can solve a financial dilemma. When you are trying to decide which necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, or other types of jewelry you want to pain, consider these four rules for picking jewelry to pawn.
Rule #1: Consider anything you haven't worn in over a year.
- If you have a large circle of friends, relatives, business associates and acquaintances, chances are you get dozens of birth and graduation announcements each year, as well as invitations to several birthday parties for children of all ages. All these announcements and invitations require a gift, but having to shop for this many can become both tedious and expensive. When this happens, most people just give up and fall back into the rut of giving the same tired gifts, such as baby layettes and gift cards, year after year.
- There are many reasons why you might be thinking about selling your used jewelry. You may really need the cash, or you could just be looking to clear your jewelry box of pieces that you no longer wear. Regardless of why you are getting rid of these pieces, you probably want to make as much money as possible. If you follow these four tips, you may be able to get more money for your used jewelry!